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Be careful when copying & pasting that you don’t end up with curly-quotes. I think it will work OK if you copy from the browser, but you should confirm that the apostrophes are all pasted as straight apostrophes, not curling to one site or another.
Yes, this does require a little custom coding. But it’s very simple.
Add the following to where the Custom JS section of your Options (instructions are here).
databaseName = ‘<name of your UI file>’;
scheduler.fm12_link = ‘FMP://’+scriptHost+’/’+databaseName+’?script=’+ scriptToRun + ‘&’;Enter that exactly as shown, just replacing <name of your UI file> with the UI file name. If you haven’t already, you should put the scripts we provide in the UI file.
The message “Testing Connectivity” means that the soSIMPLE page is unable to communicate with the FileMaker Server. This is usually due to the PHP engine not working properly in FileMaker Server. So your next step is to go to the FileMaker Technology Test Page and see that PHP Custom Web Publishing is working. If it’s not, re-deploy your server by choosing “Edit Deployment” from the server console.
If any of the indicators on the soSIMPLE set up page are red, the installation is incomplete and the Calendar won’t show up in Server-Powered mode.
These aren’t really errors. It’s a shame that Safari and some other browsers label them that way. They are “.map” files used by JavaScript developers. They only show up in the developer console and your end-users will never see them. Chrome recently stopped displaying them as missing.
BTW – probably worth downloading 3.52 first. Tiny update today regarding our new blocked events feature.
We usually do it the other way around – leave the earlier version on the server, perform the import on our desktop copy, then upload the working copy.
It should work both ways, though. From the server, you need to click the “Import from File” button. From the desktop, you can import right from the server.
I wonder if you’re running into this: can bypass that error by keeping both files on the desktop (in different folders, for example) and running the import from file.
If there’s still a problem, let me know specifically the steps you took, and where the error occurred.
You must be logged in to view attached files. -
We can add something like that for you, if you’d like. We’d need more details about how this behavior would work.
We’ll contact you offline.
It sounds like you’re talking about our week-long timeline view.
In the “Try it Now” section of our web site, you can try the calendar without downloading anything: can also download the calendar and integrate into your solution before purchasing. Purchasing the product will remove the watermarks:’m not very familiar with the Job Quoting system, but all you need to integrate into soSIMPLE is a start/end time and an event id. For your request, you’ll also need a resource field for each event, which will be the manufacturing activities. I recommend viewing this video on how to integrate soSIMPLE Calendar into any database: us know if you have further questions.
We do have timezone features built-in.
After you enable timezone support, you can store your dates in UTC and the events will always show in your current time zone.
It takes a little more in the back-end because you’ll likely need both local time for viewing events in your FileMaker layouts & UTC time for international support – but we pass both parameters every time the action script runs. So it’s certainly feasible.
Does that work for your needs?
How would you envision a URL setting working?
I’m sorry. The iCal protocol doesn’t allow us to include the event color. You can only use your iCal client to change the color of all the events in that calendar.
Sorry – I misdirected you.
Adding the port number to the Data Source IP address fixed the issue. I fixed it for soSIMPLE Advanced on your server – you can take a look at that one, and set up your calendar the same way.
When you say you’re using port 90, was that changed during FMS installation in this window:
Or was it changed on your router?
Hi Alberto –
I didn’t see any attachments. Please try posting again.
Since the test page says everything’s OK, then the php files have been installed correctly.
Do you see the calendar grid without events, or is the web viewer completely blank?
- The “URL to PHP page” should point to the URL and include port 90 (http://<serverip>:90/sosimple….)
- The Data Source setting may need to be changed to point to the FileMaker Server IP address, rather than “Single Server.”
Do NOT include the port in that IP address. - Make sure the user name and password are both correct in the Data Source setup. And that the user referenced has the “PHP” extended privilege set checked off.
Because you’re using a non-standard port, it might be worth reviewing our Advanced installation article.
Also, to make sure you’re not missing anything basic – check out our 5-minute configuration video.
Another advanced tip:
We heard of one developer who increased speed by creating an “interface” file for soSIMPLE. I put “interface” in quotes because it’s not an interface file as we have come to understand it, since no end-user ever actually sees the file.
Here’s what he did, which in his particular situation, improved his speed significantly enough to be worth the effort:
- He created an empty FileMaker file
- Created a file reference the main data file where the soSIMPLE events live.
- Added a single table occurrence for the events (in the other file). The only table occurrence in the entire file is the events table used for soSIMPLE.
- Pointed the data source setup in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings to the new streamlined file.
- Made sure the account defined in data source setup was set up in both files, and that PHP extended privilege was checked for this account on both files.
It appears that the smaller overhead in opening that file was able to increase the speed of the calendar overall.
The watermark shows up when you are using a soSIMPLE version that you didn’t purchase. For example:
- If you’re using standalone mode, but purchased server-powered
- If you’re using server-powered, but purchased standalone
- If you purchased single-user/small group, but you’re using FileMaker Server
- In addition, if you have more than 5 unique data files being referenced by soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (you can reference as many tables as you want within any FileMaker file, but no more than 5 files total).
If none of these apply to you, please send (as a private reply), a screenshot of your calendar showing the watermark in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, and your registration name and key. We’ll get this resolved right away.
Make sure you are calling the registration script in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (“startup soSIMPLE Registration & MBS Plugin loader”)
more details here:
If it still doesn’t go away, the latest version of soSIMPLE Calendar Settings also adds a description of licensing errors to the lower left corner of the calendar setup window.
This sometimes happens after you’ve updated to the latest version. Go ahead and click register again and re-enter your information. The watermark should go away.
The Advanced Find Script can get a little complicated. What I recommend is putting in debug points in the calendar and log or send information about the current status. Specifically, you’ll want to know the full script parameter sent to the script (you get sent the parameter you specified plus some built in parameters) and you’ll want to know what the current found set is at specific points in the script.
Documentation: Advanced Find Server-Side Script
One example that might return unexpected results is when an update script tries to update a specific event – the parameter “query_id” is sent, and you may have to account for that. Take a look at our sample script in the soSIMPLE Calendar file for the various parameters that can be sent to the Advanced Find script, and how we handle them.
As you said, the easy way around this is multiple windows.
Depending on the platform and version of FileMaker, you can frequently get the current hash by
This will report the current URL in the web viewer. Everything to the right of the “#” character is the $$hash.
Let (
_url =GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( $$calendar_object;”source” );
If (PatternCount (_url;”#”)>0;Right (_url;Length (_url) – Position (_url;”#”;1;1) + 1);$$hash)
We have an example of this in soSIMPLE Calendar file: script “Calendar Save $$Hash”.
Although soSIMPLE constantly keeps the current URL updated as you navigate the calendar, some versions of FileMaker Pro & Go don’t report changes to the URL accurately. I don’t have a current list of which versions do and which don’t.
If this is not an option, and a second window is not an option, there are still other options – either using the MBS plugin to query the web viewer, or having soSIMPLE trigger a (background) script to update the $$hash every time you navigate anywhere. These last couple of options, however, are a bit more complicated, and may require a development fee.
Let me know if these options work for you, or if you’d like to look into the other options.
You’re welcome.
soSIMPLE licenses MBS version 6.1 for use with our calendar. We may upgrade to future releases as we upgrade our product, but I can’t confirm that yet. We only use MBS for two features – copying layouts & scripts to your solutions and updating single events at a time on the calendar (instead of a full calendar refresh).
If you want to use a more recent version of MBS, you will need to purchase directly from their web site:
Hi Guy –
Values lists control the order of the resources. So if your value list is sorted, your resources will be sorted.
For custom value lists, you can control this by the order in which you enter the values into the value list. For dynamic value lists based on a field, they’re usually alphabetical. We have worked around that by adding leading spaces or invisible characters in front of the name – there’s an example of this in the soSIMPLE Calendar file.
This is something we can add custom for you, if you’d like. We’re also considering adding this feature to a future release.
I appreciate all the details and feedback. Thank you.
We’re going to try and reproduce the problem on our server to see why this is happening. I’ll keep you posted.
I looked over what you sent. It all looks pretty clean. I don’t see why you’re not getting that variable to pass through, but I see that it’s not passing through.
This may take a little bit of time to troubleshoot on our end. I have a couple of questions that may help:
- If you remove all of the SMTP steps, does the event get deleted (even upon a refresh). You may have to add an exit(true) statement in the web block of that script.
- If you remove your custom fields, does that fix the issue?
- Do you have a Text field defined in Data Source setup?
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by