This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  357manch 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #74837


    I have my resources set to use the Resource ID number.  The calendar appears to be working most of the time, however when I run the Refresh Calendar ([calendar_id]) script on some occasions when the calendar refreshes the calendar says NO RESOURCES **NO RESOURCE FIELD CHOSEN IN CALENDAR SETTINGS**.  If I then run the Refresh Calendar script for a second time the calendar reloads without a problem.  Any ideas what might be causing this?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
  • #74838


    Is this calendar hosted on FileMaker Server, or is it using Standalone method?

    Are you using the provided soSIMPLE Calendar file, or did you integrate into your own solution?

    Assuming it’s running server-powered and in your own file, make sure that the refresh calendar script is sending the right $$calendar_id, and using the same $$calendar_id in the web viewer.

    You can also try running the setup calendar script instead of the refresh calendar script – they’re virtually the same, but that may also fix your problem.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  admin.
  • #74844


    Calendar is hosted and integrated into my own solution. I’ve done a bit more testing and I think the problem is actually being caused when the Calendar Update Event (event_id) script is called.  I’ve modified the soSIMPLE Calendar Actions script so that different event layouts are used depending on the type of event being opened.  I’ve then set the event_id to a global variable, $$ID_FOR_REFRESH so that when I click my Close Event button which runs a Close Event script I can call Calendar Update Event ($$ID_FOR_REFRESH) to just refresh the event that has been modified I also get the same error when I drag an event to a different resource or drag to change length or start time of event.  Running the Refresh Calendar ([calendar_id]) script then reloads the resources as I would expect to see them.

  • #74845


    The scripting process you’re using should work great. Have you verified the $$ID_FOR_REFRESH is correct?

    What version of soSIMPLE Calendar are you using?

    Are you using PHP, or did you turn on REST in the config.php file?

    Are you using Advanced (server-side) finds?


  • #74850


    I’ve commented out the
    // Flush Cache to Disk
    // #
    // # Reload just the event you’ve changed in the calendar.
    // Perform Script [ “Calendar Update Event (event_id)” ; Parameter: $id ]

    at the bottom of soSIMPLE Calendar Actions and this seems to have solved it.  I think I may have had the Calendar Update Event script running twice. Once within my soSIMPLE Save/Delete BUTTON script on my event layout using my $$ID_FOR_REFRESH and then again within soSIMPLE Simple Actions.

    Anyway, seems to be ok now so will come back to you if I have any more issues.  Cheers.

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