This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #75081

    Bob Miller

    I created a new field to use as a flag on the calendar and tried to use the Optional fields selector when editing the Data Source, but no new fields show up. None of the fields I created today appear. I’ve shut down Filemaker, cleared the Cache, created a New Data source, but they don’t appear. Only older fields show up in the field selector of the Edit Data Source drop-down.

  • #75082

    Ken d’Oronzio

    Remember to add the fields to your data source layout.

  • #75085

    Bob Miller

    That was it thanks. Now I’m trying to use the new field as a filter in the URL. Can I use a custom field as a filter using the &fieldName= filter?

  • #75086


    You can use any field on that layout as a filter – it doesn’t need to be a custom field. Custom fields are typically just for the event editor on the web.

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