This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #73565


    I’m getting everything up and running for the first time on the server with client side scripting.  Currently, I’m testing on both Mac and PC.  On the Mac everything seems to work flawlessly.  However, on the PC, whenever events are created, the screen seems to be completely blanking out, redrawing  and seems rather slow upon event creation.

    When an event is deleted, the screen does the same thing, but the event is not being cleared off of the screen initially.  During debug, a “[MBS] Invalid Webviewer reference: web_calendar” is visible within the Data Viewer when the $mbs_status variable is created with the “Value: MBS( “WebViewer.RunJavaScript” ; $$calendar_object; “SSeventload…” script step.  This step is towards the bottom of script: Calendar Update Event (event_id)

    Again, the exact same configuration works great on the Mac.  I’m running version

    Any ideas what might be happening ?



  • #73568


    I haven’t been able to conclusively test everything, but I wanted to give more information:

    This may have more to do with my PC or a combination of issues.  After clearing out the /users/[xxxxxxxx]/AppData/Local/FileMaker directory on Windows and changing the Layout from “D-W-M + Resource Menu” to “Context Menus”, I was able to delete events with no problem.  When I changed back to the “D-W-M…” layout, the delete problem came back.  Clearing out the above directory and moving back to Context Menus seems to solve this issue for now and the screens are refreshing much faster.

  • #73574


    Have you confirmed that the name of your web viewer object is “web_calendar”?

  • #73575


    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I’ve confirmed the web viewer object name.  However, I have narrowed it down some more:  I think it’s related to the MBS.fmx64 plugin that gets created when logging into Calendar Settings. After this file is loaded in C:\users\[xxxxxxxx]\AppData\Local\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro Advanced\15.0\Extentions directory, I can delete an event, but it doesn’t visibly clear off the calendar until clicking the Refresh button or restarting FileMaker.  Once I delete the MBS.fmx64 plugin, the delete function works properly again.  I’ve been able to replicate this on other PC’s.  However, Macs work just fine.  Also, my Mac will not redraw the entire screen when creating or deleting an event, but PC’s seem to refresh the entire screen.  Since all of the users who create events will be using Windows, I’d appreciate any help.  Thanks!



  • #73578


    We’re not able to reproduce the error, but we’ll keep looking.

    By the nature of the problem, it does sound like it could be an issue with the MBS plug-in. Try downloading the 64-bit plugin from MBS (6.1 is the version we’re licensed for, so you’ll see some license error messages for the newer version – if that’s the issue we’ll get you a copy of 6.1) :

    You can also edit the script “Calendar Update Event (event_id).” The logic in that script is pretty simple – if you have the MBS software and an Event ID, then update the single event in the web viewer. You can change that logic by having it always refresh the whole calendar instead by having it perform the “Refresh Calendar” script and exiting right at the top of the script.

    The only thing that the MBS plugin is used for is this specific feature. Your end-users wouldn’t lose any features by not using it – you would just refresh the web viewer instead of updating the single event that was changed. For most (smaller) calendars, it’s a small difference.

    Are you using the soSIMPLE Calendar file provided with the download? If you’re not and installing the latest MBS doesn’t fix it, also make sure that the URL of the web viewer is the same IP address as shown the “URL to PHP” field in Calendar Settings. This won’t be an issue with the provided calendar file.

  • #73579


    Using the information you provided I was able to come up with a very workable solution.  Basically, I setup a global variable whenever the delete button is activated.  Then when the “Calendar Update Event (event_id)” script checks for MBS  (If [MBS(“Version”)= “?”), I had it check for the global variable as well so that it will only do a full refresh when an event is deleted.  The delete variable then gets reset to null.  This works great for me as deleting events will most likely seldom occur.

    Also, the updated plugin still didn’t help with the delete issue and the URL to PHP was the same.  Thanks again for your help!

  • #73582


    Thank you for the update.

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