
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years ago.

  • Author
  • #75489

    William Jarvis

    Hi Everyone, we have been using soSIMPLE Calendar for just over two weeks. We are loving the features it has but have started to notice an oddity.

    At random, we are seeing duplicate events on different days appear.

    When looking into the duplicate event, it shows that the user created it (which that are sure they didn’t) but it then shows that it was modified by sosimple-php around 10 minutes after the event was added.

    This has happened a couple of time now and we are not sure if it is user error or if something odd is happening.

    It is worth mentioning that we have customised the save process of the event to accommodate needs in our system and prevent a user from being able to save booking if they have not entered all the minimum required information. The duplicate bookings that are appearing randomly do not have the minimum required information, which is why we wonder if something is happening in the backend to duplicate them and bypassing our controls of minimum information.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this?

  • #75490


    Hi there William –

    Just a couple of follow-up questions to help narrow this down:

    • Are you using “Client Side Scripting” as your calendar method?
    • Are you working within FileMaker Pro (not WebDirect, or other app)?
    • Do you have an “Advanced Find Script” set in your data source settings? What do you used Advanced Find to do?
    • Do you have a custom code (“Custom JS”) that we created for you?



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