This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by admin 5 years, 10 months ago.
May 13, 2019 at 11:31 am #75546
William Coleevaluating the calender
I am looking to copy one event from one day to the next.
How do I do that. I am not looking to create a repeating event.
Didn’t find anything on your forum
May 14, 2019 at 3:15 pm #75549
Hi William.
This can be achieved by editing your soSIMPLE Action Script.
Scroll down to the section that starts with:
Else If [ $event_type=”Edit” ]
Right after the “Find” step, test for whether your option/alt key is being held down. If it is, then duplicate the found record before proceeding. (our sample script defines $modifer at the top of the script). Your new snippet will look something like this:
Else If [ $event_type=”Edit” ]
# – User is editing the event by dragging it on the calendar
# – Our example opens a new window off-screen, finds the event, and sets the fields to the dragged area closes the window.
# – Since this an edit from the client-side calendar is just date, time and/or resource, you don’t need to confirm the change.
New Window [ Style: Document ; Name: “Event” ; Top: -3100 ; Left: -3100 ]
Go to Layout [ $data_layout_name ; Animation: None ]
Set Variable [ $toc ; Value: Get(LayoutTableName) & “::” ]
Enter Find Mode [ Pause: Off ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $event_id_field ; $event_id ]
Set Error Capture [ On ]
Perform Find []
Set Error Capture [ Off ]
If [ $modifier = 8 or $modifier=16 ]
Duplicate Record/Request
End If
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $date_start_field ; GetAsDate($from) ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $date_end_field ; GetAsDate($to) ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $time_start_field ; If ($untimed; GetAsTime(“”);GetAsTime($from)) ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $time_end_field ; If ($untimed; GetAsTime(“”);GetAsTime($to)) ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $event_unit_field ; $unit ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $show_only_field ; 1 ]
Set Field By Name [ $toc & $unscheduled_field ; $unscheduled_flag ]
# — sets id to refresh just that event in the calendar
Set Variable [ $id ; Value: GetField ($toc & $event_id_field) ]
Now, every time you drag an event on the calendar with the option or alt key held down, you’ll be duplicating the event.
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