This topic contains 17 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Günter Borg 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #75491

    Günter Borg

    a Doubleclick in the calendar opens the entry formular an i can make a booking.

    But a click of a existing booking ( Timeline Calendar ) does only refresh the calendar also a double click.

    No Tooltip showing ( Tablet YES  ) and a Doubleclick won´t open the Edit Formular .

    from time to time it works but mostly it fails .

    Tested on MacOS and Windows 10 with FMPA 17



  • #75494


    Hi Günter –

    Can you tell me if something changed to cause this problem, or is this a new installation?

    Are you working standalone or server powered?

    Do you have “Client-Side Script” selected for this calendar?

    For tablets, you must turn on the “Touch Enhancements” option in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (click “Edit” next to “Options” for your calendar).

    While you’re in “Options” also make sure that “Read Only” is not enabled.

    Assuming you’re using client-side scripting &/or standalone mode:

    If you’re using FileMaker Pro Advanced, you can turn on your Script Debugger to make sure the Action Script is running. Every time you do anything in your calendar, the Action Script runs and several variables are set. Can you tell me if that script is running? If it is, make sure the $event_type variable is set to “edit”, “open”, or “new”. If you don’t have FileMaker Pro Advanced, you can add a “Show Custom Dialog” to the first step of that script to tell you what that variable is set to. Set the text of the dialog to “Current edit mode is ” & $event_type.

    If the script isn’t running at all, it’s likely that FMPA17 didn’t install the fmp:// protocol properly. You can fix that here:

  • #75506

    Günter Borg
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  • #75507

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  • #75509

    Günter Borg

    in the Data Viewer : $event_type  = “Open” after double-click but the calender only refresh.

    Randomly it opens the right one Layout but mostly it only refrehes the Calendar.


  • #75510


    The action script that runs is completely editable. We provide a sample in our soSIMPLE Calendar starter file.

    You can step through the script to see where it’s not doing what you want it to do.

    If you haven’t customized your script, sometimes what happens is you change layouts or field names in your data source without making the same changes in the first few lines of your action script. If this is the problem, follow these steps:

    1. Open soSIMPLE Calendar Settings file
    2. Select the calendar that you’re working with. Verify the data source settings.
    3. Click “Use in FileMaker Pro/Go”
    4. Click “Copy just the variable steps”.
    5. Now go back to your action script, select the 3 “set variable” steps at the top of the script, remove them and choose “paste”

    This will update the layouts and field names with the choices you made in the settings file.

  • #75511

    Günter Borg

    in the Data Viewer : $event_type  = “Open” or is empty after double-click but the calender only refresh.

    Randomly it opens the right one Layout but mostly it only refrehes the Calendar.


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  • #75513


    The data viewer doesn’t always update quickly enough unless you’re paused in script debugger. If my suggestions above don’t work, try running Script Debugger and making sure all the variables are set as soon as the script starts running.

  • #75514


    Please also confirm that the calendar is “Client Side Scripting” and whether you’re server-powered or standalone.


  • #75515

    Günter Borg

    hello , here with script debugger.

    Calendar is set to Client Side scripting and Standalone

  • #75516

    Günter Borg

    once more

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  • #75518


    You don’t show the data viewer, but you say it’s$event type open.

    Did you follow the the steps above?

  • #75529

    Günter Borg

    Now it works fine in MacOS, but in Windows the fmp URL Scheme starts no Scripts ?

    A click on a Booking only refresh the Webviewer but don´t start the Script

  • #75530


    What version of Windows are you using? What version of soSIMPLE? Older versions of soSIMPLE may need to be upgraded to work with new Windows security updates.

    Also, in Windows you may need to turn on ActiveX security settings in Internet Explorer. Follow these instructions:

    1. Open Internet Explorer (not Edge – IE is the backbone of FileMaker’s web viewer)
    2. Open the url that you’re using for your calendar
    3. Click the gear icon, and choose “Internet Options” from the menu.
    4. Click the Security tab
    5. Click “Custom Level”
    6. “Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins” should be turned on.

    You may need to restart FileMaker.

    A client who was rolling this out to many users, made this same change in a registry setting:

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1


  • #75531

    Günter Borg

    Thank you , with ActiveX …. it works !

    The Calendar is a very good Solution but a little bit to expensive for my own use in a solution. <span lang=”en” tabindex=”0″>I use the Filmaker program only for me on an IMac. So I will probably use the OKRAMIS calendar. This is a free single file solution. Although your solution is visually appealing ….. I’ll think about it if I’m on SoSimple Calender, then just have to save a little bit on it 🙂


  • #75537

    Günter Borg

    SoSimple is much better then the free Solution from OKRAMIS so will will buy it:-)

    All is working now but two questions :

    How to change the Text in the Tooltip

    and in the Tooltip Display there is a Button white with white text . So you can seen nothing.

    Thank you very much !


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  • #75540


    If I’m not mistaken, what you’re calling the tooltip is the QuickInfo panel.

    The distinction is that the tooltip shows up when you hover over an event. The contents of the tooltip is determined by a field in your database (the one mapped to “tooltip” in soSIMPLE Settings).

    The QuickInfo panel is only enabled when you turn on “Touch Enhancements”. It’s intended to be used on touch devices because it provides an easier way to preview the event, and provides larger buttons for our big fingers to click.

    The text in the QuickInfo is the “Event Details” field – the same as what’s shown in the event cell on the calendar. The date display is automatically calculated based on your local language. Although we did verify a bug in the date display in the QuickInfo panel, which shows “Week Of..” in multi day events. That will be fixed in an upcoming release. In the meantime, you can paste the following code into “Custom JS” to patch your version:

    scheduler.templates.quick_info_date = function(start, end, ev){

    if (scheduler.isOneDayEvent(ev)){

    return scheduler.templates.day_date(start, end, ev) + ” ” +

    scheduler.templates.event_header(start, end, ev);


    return scheduler.templates.day_date(start, end, ev) + ” – ” +

    scheduler.templates.day_date(end, end, ev)



    For your white-on-white icon, I actually recommend hiding it by changing your soSIMPLE Settings “Options” to have “Event Action Icon” only show Delete. The Details button will always show unless the calendar/event is read-only.  The Edit button is usually the same function as the Details, so it’s redundant in that window. You can also  add the following to your Custom CSS if you want to keep the button:

    .dhx_qi_big_icon.icon_edit div {

    color: black;

    padding-left: 18px;


    Note: the “Edit” button is different functionality from the “Details” button only when “Always Show Details to Edit” is turned off and only applies to web calendars (Server-Side Async). This effectively turns on in-line editing, and the edit button can then be used to enter the event editing area.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
  • #75543

    Günter Borg

    Thank you very much Ken !

    it works “wunderbar”

    Best Regards from Austria, Günter

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